Faculty Profile

Name Mr.Diptak Chakraborty
Designation SACT-I
Department ZOOLOGY
Email diptak.612@gmail.com
Biography I completed M.Sc in Zoology and Persuing PhD in Zoology, and I am a true traveller wants to explore wildlife and forest.
Academic Interest Biochemistry, Ecology and Endocrinology
VIDWAN Profile

Scholarly Achievements : Contribution to Books

Year of PublicationISBN No Title of the BookPublisherType of ContributionAffiliation
2021978-81-951266-1-3Snatak PranividyaSmart Book, Parul PrakashaniBook AuthorAPC College

Academic Qualification (Graduation to Latest)

Year of PassingAcademic QualificationDate of award (only for Ph.D./M.Phil)University
2007M.Sc. University of Calcutta

Scholarly Achievements : Contribution to Journal

Title of PaperAuthorVolume NoPage NoYear of PublicationName of JournalISSN No of the Journal
Immune responses of the circulating harmocytes of Lissachatina fulica (Bowdich, 1822) challenged with the spores of Rhizopus sp. and Aspergillus sp. Diptak Chakraborty, Soumen Roy668 to 942021Internstional Research Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences