Faculty Profile

Name Mr.Gobinda Karmakar
Designation SACT-I
Email gobinda@apccollege.ac.in
Biography One of the reasons, that I chose to become a teacher, am I enjoy seeing children progress and learn new concepts. I am a very hard worker and I am truly dedicated to whatever I may be involved in. My education has been expanded tremendously with experience. My long term goals are first, to the joy of learning; second, to always update and improve my teaching skills. I plan to attend teacher improvement seminars and technology courses.
Academic Interest Research in Quantum Computing. Interest in Software Engineering, Analysis of Algorithm and Computer Architecture.
VIDWAN Profile

Academic Qualification (Graduation to Latest)

Year of PassingAcademic QualificationDate of award (only for Ph.D./M.Phil)University
2004B.Sc. (Hons) University of Calcutta
2014M.Tech. West Bengal University of Technology

Scholarly Achievements : Contribution to Journal

Title of PaperAuthorVolume NoPage NoYear of PublicationName of JournalISSN No of the Journal
Comparative Review on Efficient Design of Reversible Sequential Circuits based on Optimization Parameters Gobinda Karmakar , Dr. Saroj Kumar Biswas , Dr. Ardhendu Mandal , Arijit Bhattacharya, Akhil Kumar Das4, Ekram AlamVolume 23, 13132021Journal of University of Shanghai for Science and TechnologyISSN: 1007-6735
PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT IN CACHE REPLACEMENT USING PRIORITY BASED STRUCTURE OF CACHEGobinda Karmakar , Susobhan GhoshVol-I12016International Journal of Interdisciplinary Science (IJIS) ISSN-2456-5199

Scholarly Achievements : Contribution to Book Chapter/ Conference Proceedings

Name of Conference (Only for Conference Proceedings)Title of the Chapter/ Paper Page NoPublisherType of ContributionTitle of Book / Conference ProceedingsYear of PublicationISBN/ISSN NoAffiliation
Proceedings - 2021 3rd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking, ICAC3N 2021Realization of Combinational Circuits Using A Proposed Reversible Gate1018IEEEConference Proceedings2021 3rd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking (ICAC3N)2021DOI: 10.1109/ICAC3N53548.2021.9725516APC College